Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Fourth of July America!

A piece of word art from the kit Army of One at Butternug Squash Designs says it all. This is for all the service men and women out there risking their lives for our freedoms. The right to free speech, freedom to worship as we please, freedom to even put down the Predsident of the United States of America. It all comes at the expense of lives. Good American Men and Women that are out there everday fighting for us. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

1 comment:

Debby said...

Beautiful title artwork..and I so agree with and love your sentiments! This is Debby from The Old Front POrch..I just noticed your blog in your siggy line..took me long enough, huh? LOL! Wanted to say Howdy and let you know I stopped by!