Saturday, September 30, 2006
Fractured Fugal Friends
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Why Oh Why?!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
I Know!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Where Was I?
The question everyone is asking today. Where was I? 5 years ago today? I remember turning on the tv in the hotel room in Hawaii after a phone call from my mom. We were visiting for a week and just 1 day before the end of our stay. We sat there looking on in horror as the second plane appeared and flew into the second tower. It had to be some show it couldn't be real is what we were thinking, but every chanel had the same thing. There were people in the lobby freaking out because they couldn't leave the island and there was now where for them to stay. We spent the day doing our planned activities but when ever we go back and visit Sealife Park we will always remember 9-11-01. Good thing I have family there we spent the next 5 days sleeping on my mothers floor before they allowed anyone to fly. A lot of people, innocent people died that day just because we have the freedoms that we have. It is truely another day that will live in infamy. So never forget the innocent, the Firemen, and Police that gave their lives that day. A day that should have been like any other.
Ok I have to add if ever faced with the situation that those on that last flight did. I pray that I may act so bravely. Click on the title and remember the men, women, children, public servants, and our military today. God Bless AMERICA!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
How's my New Blog Topper?
Also Christy is now selling a set at the Butternug Squash Design Store. For only $3.75! How's that for a deal! I'll be changing my topper again later this week with one of Christy's templates. So come back and check it out next weekend.
Monday, September 04, 2006
What a great Labor Day!
Monday we were invited to a brunch/ bbq. One of the families and the new church we are going to invited us over. Funny the same family that called Qwest about their phone bill and invited us to visit their church when we got here. I tell you God works in mysterious ways. Anyway, we got up kind of late around 9:30am. Then as we got our slow day started, the phone rang. It was
When we got there, several other church members were already starting breakfast. I finally got to meet
It’s amazing how comfortable we feel with these people. It is also amazing how many of them are homeschoolers. That was my connection to this church. Funny how I mentioned it to the woman from the Pocatello Christian Homeschool Association and it turned out to be her church too!
After a tour of the house, we followed everyone else and went home for a nap. (Didn’t happen) Turns out that the Turners had an extra microwave and bold, as my husband is he actually asked for it. (Good thing I wasn’t there when it happened.) So again, God provided a much needed item. Bryce had a one-track mind after that. POPCORN! It’s the only thing he can make on his own. LOL! Thank You Tracy and Wayne! Bryce Loves The Microwave!
We went back around 5:30pm for the Bar-b-q part of the day. I was stuffed! I mean it was hamburgers, sausages, potato salad, pasta salad, chips, and so on but it was soooo good. The kids had fun playing and we adults socialized some more. We were there until dark talking and getting to know each other. Phil had to work early the next day so we had to leave. We gathered up the boys said our good byes and went home to a hot shower and bed. After I went and got Bryce some microwave popcorn. Can you believe the one track mind that boy has!
I know that this is where God wants us. We feel so oh I don’t know familiar with the people here in this church is the only way to describe it. Like God has told us in our hearts about all these wonderful people already.
That is how our Labor Day was in a condensed version. I do still miss my old neighborhood and friends but I now know that God has so much in store for us here too. I can’t wait to see what it is.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
What my major should be.
You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major!
What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!! created with |
Saturday, September 02, 2006
What a Blast!
Then we ran out to Wal Mart for groceries. not to bad most of what we needed for the next 2 weeks. We still need to go out to Freddy's for the rest but not bad. Then we ran to Home Depot for a garden hose left the old one behind. Thought it went in the trailer but I guess it didn't.
Then came the fun part of the night. The Butternug Squash Design Team had a chat in the DST chat room. There sure were a lot of people there, and Christy gave away some great prizes. Of course we got on the subject of her blog and poor Henry. Or should I say poor Christy and her car that smells like old cheese and a goat died in it. LOL! If you haven't visited her blog you really need too. Annny way we got on some weird combinations of subjects and it all started sounding just tooo bizaare (spelling?) It was like spam, poop, squid, chocolate, sushi, goats, and cheese and who knows what else. LOL! I sure hope some of the gals who were there show up at the forum so we can get to know them better. Oh and better yet some of the husbands started to read over shoulders. I guess we were just getting too wild.
Now I'm just sooo pooped out.(the tired type of pooped) I think I'm going to take a shower and read alittle then sleep. Got church tomorrow and more going on at the BSD Forum. See you there.